轉 ~ Reign ...



轉載  -   美麗人生   Reign   的小故事

You  know  I  would  love  him  forever  because  he  is  always  in  my  mind.

好感動也好心疼 ...




下一個是 Reign,一個有主見又早熟的棕髮小女孩


1) He is a giant & brave man.
2) He loved me & I loved him so much.
3) People used to say that we looked alike.


老師說:You fool them! You may show them now!

Reign 從袋子裡小心翼翼地拿出一個花形相框

然後對全班說:The answer is 'daddy.' He died when I was 4.

                             He liked to carry me on his shoulders, just the way he did in this picture.

老師說:The picture is so lovely. Go show the class one at a time.

                Hold it carefully because it is very precious to you.

Reign 拿著相片從容地走過席地而坐著的每一個小朋友面前,臉上閃耀著一種奇異的光彩


You two were so happy...

He was surely a big man...

How did he die...

You must miss him very much...

Reign 驕傲又自在地說:You know I would love him forever because he is always in my mind.

